Author Guidelines
Online Submission
All authors who wish to submit manuscripts must be registered in the Journal of Engineering and Informatic online journal system.
General Guidelines for Writers
Detailed instructions for writing a Journal of Engineering and Informatic
As part of the submission process, authors are required to review manuscript submissions concerning all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors who do not comply with these guidelines:
1. The manuscript has never been published before, nor in any other journal
2. Submitted files in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word
3. Include the URL for the references used
4. Comply with the Journal of Engineering and Informatic Template
5. Comply with the Journal of Engineering and Informatic Writing Guidelines. You may use Bahasa Indonesia or English as the main language in the manuscript.
6. The review process can be done with a blind review
All manuscripts submitted into the online system will be pre-reviewed by taking into account all the provisions above. After that, the journal manager will also check for plagiarism using the Turnitin Plagiarism Checker, with a maximum similarity limit of 25%.
After the pre-review is done, the journal manager will allocate two peer-reviewers to conduct a double-blind review of the content. The duration of the review process will follow the important dates in each publication.
Make sure the author monitors the system regularly or observes the news on the email registered to the system for information on the results of the review. After the review process is completed, then a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) can be issued, by submitting an application to the journal management via email at