Peer Review Process
1. Author submits manuscript to journal through our online journal system (OJS) Metonimia: Jurnal Sastra dan Pendidikan Kesusastraan.
2. All manuscripts submitted to Metonimia: Jurnal Sastra dan Pendidikan Kesusastraan must follow focus and scope, and author guidelines of Metonimia: Jurnal Sastra dan Pendidikan Kesusastraan. The submitted manuscripts must address scientific merit or novelty appropriate to the focus and scope. All manuscripts must be free from plagiarism contents. All authors are suggested to use plagiarism detection software to do the similarity checking. Editors will check the each manuscripts' similarity rate using the Turnitin software.
3. The Editor-in-Chief will check the feasibility of the topic for possible publication. Suitable manuscripts are submitted to the editors for further processing. Manuscripts not suitable for publication will be rejected.
4. The Editor-in-Chief will check the completeness of provisionally accepted manuscripts based on the guidelines for authors, adherence to the journal’s templates, adequacy of references, originality (check on potential plagiarism issues), and accuracy of language.
5. Manuscripts that meet the journal format and requirements will be forwarded to a minimum of two reviewers/ advisory editors under a double-blind process. Manuscripts that did not meet the requirements will be sent back to the author/s for revision. The reviewers give scientific valuable comments improving the contents of the manuscript. Based on the results of the peer review, the Editor-in-Chief decides whether a manuscript may be published without revisions, or be sent back to authors to perform minor revisions or major revisions; a manuscript may also be rejected. For a minor revision, the authors are requested to submit a final version of the manuscript with the required changes. For a major revision, a final version of the manuscript will be resubmitted to the peer reviewers for re-evaluation. In this case, the peer review process begins anew.